Privacy statement

1. About us

We are Snapper Services Limited (‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’), a company incorporated in New Zealand (company number 1891262).

Our registered office is Level 9, 1 Willis Street, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand.

2. What’s covered in this privacy statement

This privacy statement sets out:

  • what information we might collect about you when you use our website at or otherwise in connection with our dealings with you;
  • how we might use that information;
  • where we store that information;
  • who we might share that information with; and
  • your rights in connection with that information.

When we say ‘New Zealand privacy law’ in this policy, we’re referring to the law that applies to our collection, use, storage, and disclosure of personal information, including the Privacy Act 2020.

3. Information we collect

We may collect the following information from you when you interact with us, including when you use our services or access our website.

Personal information collected

Your name, email address, phone number.

Information about your job title, company, and the way you’ve interacted with us in the past, including the work for which you’ve previously engaged us to provide, and correspondence we’ve had with you.

All personal information we collect about you, including the above.

You don’t have to give us your information. But if you do not provide us with information, we may not be able to provide you with our services or information about our services.

4. Information others give us

We may receive your personal information from third-party websites or services, including through our use of Google Analytics.

The collection and use of your information, and disclosure of your information to us by a third party will be subject to that third party’s terms and policies.

5. Information you give us about other people

We may collect information about someone else from you.

If you do provide us with someone’s personal information, you must make sure you have that person’s authority to do so and you must make sure that person knows that their information may be used by us in the circumstances set out in this policy.

6. Cookies

Cookies are pieces of information that are automatically downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you use our website.

We use cookies on our website to identify you for marketing purposes, as well as to help us understand general behaviour and traffic on our website.

7. Additional collection

We may gather more extensive information about your interactions with our website or with us generally, if we are concerned about abnormal website usage patterns or security breaches.

8. Sending you marketing materials

As we’ve described above in paragraph 3, we may use personal information we hold about you to send you emails and other electronic messages about our services and other business opportunities that we consider may be of interest to you.

If you don’t wish to receive promotional or marketing communications from us, you can opt-out by using the unsubscribe facility on the messages that we send you, or by contacting us using the details in paragraph 12 (Contacting us).

9. Other use of your information

We only use your information in the way described in this privacy statement, or if we’re permitted or required to do so under New Zealand privacy law.

In addition to the specific ways that we use your personal information outlined above in paragraph 3, we may also use your personal information to:

  • respond to your enquiries and communicate with you;
  • support you in using our services;
  • provide you with important notices and information about our services;
  • identify marketing or promotional opportunities that may be of interest to you; and
  • improve our services and the functionality of our website, including testing new or modified functionality and to better understand how our services can help you.

We might also combine data or information that we have collected about you, with the information we collect from others, for the purposes described in this privacy statement.

10. Where your personal information is held

Our service providers may store your information on our behalf (for instance, the service providers described in paragraph 11 (Sharing your information).

We may also hold your personal information ourselves – for instance, on servers or in physical files located on our premises.

11. Sharing your information

In addition to the specific ways that we’ve described throughout this privacy statement, we may also share the personal information we hold about you for the purposes contemplated by this privacy statement or as otherwise permitted by New Zealand privacy law.

In particular, we may share your personal information with the following persons:

  • providers that offer digital marketing solutions, such as SQC Digital, to help us market our services.
  • providers that offer analytics solutions, such as Google Analytics, to help us understand user behaviour on our website, and traffic sources;
  • providers that offer database solutions, such as Hubspot CRM, to help us manage the information that we hold about our customers or people that we’ve interacted with in the past;
  • our professional advisors, contractors, service providers, business associates, and others who have agreed to treat your personal information in accordance with this privacy statement;
  • our service providers (for example, Google reCAPTCHA for user authentication, providers that help us with data hosting and processing, software development, and managing our communications with you and others) for the purposes of delivering our platform, website, and services;
  • any person considering acquiring an interest in our business and/or assets; and/or
  • any other person where we are permitted or required to do so by New Zealand law.

We may also share your information with our related companies for the purposes described in this privacy statement.

12. Your rights, and how to contact us

You have the right to request access to, and correction of, the personal information that we hold about you. To do so, please contact our privacy officer:

  • By post, at: Attention: Privacy Officer, Snapper Services Limited, PO Box 11454, Manners Street, Wellington 6142.
  • By email, at
13. Keeping us updated

It’s important to us that the personal information that we hold about you is accurate and complete. Please let us know as soon as possible if you think we may need to make changes to that information.

14. Changes to this privacy statement

We may make changes to this privacy statement from time to time by publishing an updated version of this statement on our website.